Lesson 13
The Church is Apostolic
One day Jesus went up the hill. He called to him those whom he desired; and they came to him. “And he appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles, to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim and to have authority to cast out demons” (Mk. 3:13-17). Jesus built his Church on the foundation of the apostles and this is the reason why we call the Church as Apostolic. St. Paul says: “…built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the corner stone, in him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you alsoare built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God” (Eph. 2:20-22). The apostleswho were called to be the eye-witnesses of the Christ event and preachers of the salvific mission became his witnesses through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It was the witnessing and the proclamation of the apostles that formed the Church.
The Faith Experience of the Apostles
The faith experience of the apostles is the basis of the Church. When Jesus asked, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus was pleased with this answer and he said: Blessed areyou, Simon son of Jonah!.. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church…” (Mt. 16:15-18). Representing all the apostles Peter made this proclamation of faith in the divinity of Jesus. Remember St. Thomas, the Father of our faith, also proclaimed his faith in the Lord Jesus saying “My Lord and my God.” (John 20:28). The apostles believed in Jesus as the Lord and God and proclaimed this faith with boldness to others.And those who listened to the proclamation accepted this faith. Thus the faith experience of the apostles became the basis of the Church, the community of believers
The Missions of the Apostles
God wanted to liberate Israel from the slavery in Egypt and lead them to the land of Canaan. He made plans to make them his own holy people. God realized this plan by choosing some individuals and entrusting them with certain missions. They were the prophets, the Priests and the Kings The prophets spoke to the people in the name ofGod and corrected them when they went wrong. The priests offered sacrifices to God forthe sanctification of the people. And the Kings gave leadership and defended Israel against the enemies. This triple mission which provided a kind of salvation – experienceto Israel was fully realized in Jesus who was to come. Jesus became a prophet, priest and King at the one and the same time. Jesus, by anointing the apostles with the HolySpirit, handed over this triple mission to them. The apostles fulfilled their salvific mission,entrusted to them, through teaching the people, the prophetic mission; through sanctifying, the priestly mission; and through shepherding, the kingly mission The Bishops, who derived their authority from the apostles, share in the same mission.
The Teachings of the Apostles
The apostles who were filled with the Holy Spirit preached the Good News ofsalvation to all the people. They affirmed that Jesus of Nazareth, whom the Jewscrucified and killed, God raised from the dead and to which they were witnesses (Acts 3:15). Besides, they declared that Jesus, who, in the eyes of the Jews, had a veryhumiliating death on a cross, was the expected saviour and God gave him a nameabove every other name, making him Lord. The apostles made it clear that those who believe in Jesus and confess his name will be saved. Even when they had to sufferpersecution on account of this teaching, they continued to proclaim him boldly. Andthose who received the faith from the apostles also bore witness to him even in adverse circumstances.
The Apostles and the Communities of Believers
The apostles who received the Holy Spirit went to various places proclaiming the Gospel. Wherever they preached the Gospel, communities of faith, sprang up Thomas preached the Gospel in places like Persia and India. So the Churches in these places consider St. Thomas as the Father of their faith.
The Apostolic Heritage of the Syro-Malabar Church
Our fore-fathers had the privilege of receiving the faith directly from St. Thomas,the Apostle. We, the members of the Syro-Malabar Church inherit this faith tradition.References like 'Mar Thomma Nazranikal' 'Mar Thomma Christians' are indicatives ofour apostolic tradition and heritage. It was St. Thomas who confessed Jesus as Lordand God and expressed his readiness to go and die with him. The faith experience thatwe have received through the apostle St. Thomas is the apostolic foundation of the Syro-Malabar Church.
The Bishops
The Bishops in the Church are the successors of the apostles. They, through the power of the Holy Spirit given to them, are the authentic teachers of faith, the high priests and shepherds. They are the shepherds of theLord's sheep entrusted to their care(The Bishops, No.2, 3).The Bishop is the head of the local Church,namely the diocese. In union with the Pope, a Bishopteaches, leads and sanctifies the people entrusted to his care in a diocese.
The Major Archbishop
Patriarchal Churches are local Churches having the self-governing power which is exercised in union with the Pope. The head of a Patriarchal Church is called a Patriarch. Besides the Patriarchal Churchesthese are also Major Archiepiscopal Churches having the same rights and powers as the patriarchalChurches. The Head of a Major Archiepiscopal Church is called a Major Archbishop. The Syro-Malabar Churchwas raised to this status in 1992. Mar Antony Padiyara became the first Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Church with its head quarters in the Archdiocese of Ernakulam – Angamaly. In 1997 Mar Varkey Vithayathilwas appointed as the Major Archbishop of the Syro- Malabar Church. The Primacy of the Pope It was in 2011 Mar George Cardinal Alencherry was elected as the Major Archbishop by the Syro- Malabar Bishops Synod.The Primacy of the Pope
Jesus himself gave the first place to SimonPeter among all the apostles chosen by him. Peter wasa witness to all the important events in Jesus life. Peterwho enjoyed the privilege of special consideration andlove of Jesus and who was also scolded by him oncertain occasions, was given the first place by Jesus in 83 founding the Church and in exercising the mission of the Church.We can see the Primacy of Peter in the Gospel of Mathew. Jesus promised that he would establish theChurch on Peter, the rock, and give him the Keys of the Kingdom of God. (Mt. 16; 17-19). So we know that Jesus appointed Peter as the first among the twelve apostles. Sowe should say that the Pope is the first among the Bishops in the Church as he is thesuccessor of Peter. The Pope is at the one and the same time the Bishop of Rome andthe head of the Universal Church. He has the authority to lead, sanctify and teach theUniversal Church. The first Vatican Council declared the Primacy of the Pope as afundamental truth. Through the encyclicals and apostolic instructions the Pope exercises his teaching authority over the entire Church.
The Collegiality of Bishops
Just as St. Peter and the other eleven apostles had apostolic fellowship, the Bishops who are the successors of the apostles and the Pope who is taking the place of St. Peter, have an apostolic mission and fellowship which is exercised in the leadershipof the Church. The Pope is the Head of the council of Bishops. When the Bishops of the Church exercise their apostolic authority in union with the Pope, we see the collegiality of Bishops.The ecumenical councils also reflect the collegiality of Bishops.The Catholic Church is the Church that has received its faith from the apostles and is led by the Bishops, the successors of the apostles. Let us be proud of being part of this great Church and do our best to preserve, live and hand down this faith from generation to generation.Word of Godto Read and
Eph : 2:17-22Word of God to Remember
“You are citizens with the saints and also membersof the hosehold of God, built upon the foundationof the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesushimself as the cornerstone”(Eph: 2:19-20).Let us Pray
Lord, just as Moses led the Chosen people of God tothe Promised Land, bless the Shepherds of ourChurch so that they may effectively lead your peopletowards the heavenly Jerusalem.My Resolution
I shall pray for my ParishPriest and Bishop every day.To Think with the Church
Just as, in accordance with the Lord's decree, St Peter and the rest of theapostles constitute a unique apostolic college, so in like fashion the RomanPontiff, Peter's successor, and the bishops, the successors of the apostles, arerelated with and united to one another. Indeed, the very ancient disciplinewhereby the bishops installed throughout the whole world lived in communionwith one another and with the Roman Pontiff in a bond of unity,charity and peace (Vat. II, The Church No. 22).To Know the Mother Church
With a view to free the Mar Thomma Christians from the Latin jurisdiction, whichlasted for about four centuries, and restore its individuality, Pope Leo XIIIestablished a separate hierarchy for the Latin Catholics, in September 1886.Thereafter, the Mar Thomma Christians were brought directly under Roman ruleon 20th May 1887. Thus, Kottyam and Trichur Vicariates were established. Laterfor better administration the Mar Thomma Christians were brought under threeVicariates - Trichur, Changanacherry and Ernakulam, on 28th July 1896. For thefirst time three sons of the soil were made Bishops by Rome: Mar LuisPazheparambil in Ernakulam, Mar John Menacherry in Trichur, and Mar MathewMakkil in Changanacherry. Further Changanacherry vicariate was divided in1911 in order to create the diocese of Kottayam, which was meant specificallyfor the Kn an a y a C a t ho l i c C omm unit y .Find out Answers