•                                             Saul was a committed Pharisee. He was educated under awell known Rabbi named Gamaliel.And he knew thoroughly the Jewish law and traditions and practised them. He could not accept Jesusand wanted to blot out that name from the face of the earth. One dayhe was going to Damascus with orders from the authorities in Jerusalem to bind and bring toJerusalem anyone who followed the teachings of Jesus. Suddenly,he was struck by a lighting from thesky and fell to the ground. He heard a voice speaking to him,“Saul,Saul, why do you persecute me?” Saul said: “Who are you Lord?” He was told, “I am Jesus, whom youare persecuting; but get up andenter the city, and you will be told what you are to do.”When he got up
    from the ground, he could see nothing. He was led into Damascusby his friends. (Acts 9:1-9).
                                                 Saul understood the significance of the light that struck him. He knew that it was Jesus of Nazareth whom the Jewish leaders crucified and killed, calling him ablasphemer had risen and spoken to him. He is truly living. He lives and acts through hisfollowers, the Christians, the Church. This incident made him to believe this.

    Church : The Body of Christ


                                    The Church is the body of Christ. This was a great insight of St. Paul. Jesusmade it clear to him that when he persecuted the Christians he was persecuting Christ himself. Paul shares with us the same insight in his letter to the Romans: “For, as in onebody we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.” (Rom. 12:4-5). Paul teaches us that Christ is the head of the body that is the Church(Col. 1:18). We are members of this body, the Church of which Christ is the Head.

                                  It is from the head that power flows into the members. Likewise, from Christ, thehead, we the members of the Church receive power. As members, we remain subject tothe head. There exists an essential union between the head and the members in human body. The same can be said of the relationship between Christ and the Church. Again the head and the members participate in the one and the same life. In the same way wethe members of the Church, share the same life that is in the head, Jesus Christ.


    Jesus Nourishes the Church


                                   Jesus told his disciples that he would not leave them orphans (Jn, 14:18); that he would be with them to the end of the age (Mt. 28:20). Jesus ensures his constant presence in the Church through the Word of God, the sacraments and fellowship in theChurch. He leads us through this word and nourishes us day after day through the Holy Eucharist. We become one with him by participating in his body and blood in the Eucharist. At the same time we become united with one another by partaking of the one bread and the one cup.Thus the fellowship in the Church is reinforced.

    Various Ministers in the Church


                              We read in 1Corinthians : “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the bodythough many, are one body, so it iswith Christ.” (1Cor. 12:12). Thoughthere are many members in thebody, each member has his ownfunction to fulfil. There is acomplementary nature among themembers. This makes thefunctioning of the body effective.Thus each member of the Churchhas different functions. God hascalled each member to distinct and various services

                            St. Paul says, “God hasappointed in the Church firstapostles, second prophets, thirdteachers, then deeds of power, thengifts of healing forms of assistance,forms of leadership, various kinds of tongues”  (1 Cor 12:28). God gives necessary grace and gifts to each so that each canminister to the Church 

                        As children of the holy mother, the Church, our duty is to acknowledge their giftsand serve the Church according to the will of Jesus. We should use these gifts for the glory of God and the growth of the Church Do good to others and share with otherswhat you have, is the core of Biblical teaching, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35).

    The One who Loves Jesus, Loves the Church


    Just as we love Jesus, we should love His body, the Church. We cannot love Jesus apart from the Church nor can we love the Church apart from Jesus. We can love the Church only if we see in it Jesus himself.Jesus Christ lives in the Church and
    through the Church He leads us, teaches us and sanctifies us.
    Let us be aware of the fact that we are all members of the body of Christ and have special love and concern for the poor, the afflicted, the sick, the orphans, the widows, the aged and the children.

    Word of Godto Read and



    1 Cor 12:12-31

    Let us Pray


    Jesus the Head and Protector of the
    Church, enable us to grow in youand in turn make the
    Church grow through our efforts.

    Word of God to Remember


    “Now you are the body of Christ,
    and individually members of it”.
    (1 Cor. 12:27).

    My Decision


    I will participate actively in the
    various activities in my Parish

    To Think with the Church


    As all the members of the human body, though they are many, form one body,
    so also are the faithful in Christ (1 Cor. 12:12). Also, in the building up of
    Christ's body there is engaged a diversity of members and functions. There is
    only one Spirit who, according to his own richness and the needs of the
    ministries, gives his different gifts for the welfare of the Church
    (Vat. II, The Church, No-7)

    To Know the Mother Church


    The Mar Thomma Christians were led by the Bishops appointed by Chaldaya
    Patriarchs till the 17th Century. As they were foreigners, the practical governance
    was carried out by the Archdeacon who was a native. The
    Archdeacon was an unmarried priest. He was the leader both in the social and
    ecclesiastical matters. He was the judge in the internal affairs of the Mar Thomma
    Christians. He administered the Church in the absence of a Bishop, and arranged
    the installation of a new Bishop. It was the office of the Archdeacon that unified the
    Mar Thomma Christians. He was also known by names like 'Arkadiakon',