

                                     Isaac was the only son of Abraham by the covenant of God.God demanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son to God on Mt.Moria. Abraham got ready to sacrifice his child according to the command of God. Then God was pleased with Abraham and prevented him from sacrificing his son.Instead Abraham sacrificed a lamb which was caught up in the thorny bushes nearby.God accepted that sacrifice and blessed him abundantly(Gen 22:1-18).

    Jews believed that the life of every creature is in its blood.Hence they thought that when blood is offered to God in sacrifice,it is equal to offering life itself.


    In the Old Testament,the purposes of offering sacrifice were to worship God,thank Him,to ask pardon for our sins,and to receive blessing from God.But the sacrifices during the time of the old Testament were not able to fulfil these purpose fully "For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins" (Heb 10:4).

    Jesus sacrificed Himself to take away the sins of  humanity completely and to give them life.He accepted severs suffering and torturnes for us.He suffered intensely.He was cruelly teased.He was crucified.He shed his blood and offered the sacrifice.The greatest expression of the love of God the loving Father for us is the sacrifice on calvary.That is Why St.John the apostle says."For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son"(John 3:16).


    Jesus sacrificed himself to fulfill the will of God the Father to save humanity.Offering His life on the cross in calvary,He expressed His total surrender to His father.

    "He humbled himself and become obedient to the point of death-even death on a cross."(Phil 2:8).

    Jesus reconciled humanity with the Father by His sacrifice on the cross.We were set free from sin and He gave us divine life.

    Jesus desired that all men at all times should participate in this sacrifice of the Holy Mass which sets us free from sin and gives divine life.Hence,He instituted the Eucharist.on the pascal Feast day,the night previous to His sacrifice on the Cross,Jesus had supper with His disciples.During supper Jesus took the bread,blessed it,broke it and gave it to His disciples and said;" This is my body,take and eat it ".

    Then He took the cup,thanked His father,blessed it and gave it to His disciples and said; "Come and drink from this.This is my blood of the convenant shed for many for the forgiveness of sins".Then Jesus said; "Do this in memory of me when you assemble in my name".



    We offer the Holy Mass,Obeying this command of Jesus.WE remember this commandment of Jesus in ther begining of the Holy Mass.



    As our lord commanded

    On the Feast of Passover

    Let us gather in His holy name

    In unity,let us offer this sacrifice


    Each Holy Mass is a surrender,the greatest adoration.Holy Mass is the offering that makes Jesus's sacrifice present to us.The Syrian term 'Kurbana' means 'Surrender' or 'offering'.

    Holy Mass is the sacrifice offered to God the Father by the Church along with Jesus through the priest that is offered in memory of the suffering,death,burial and resurrection of Jesus who sacrificed Himself for our salvation.



    Fruits of the Holy Mass

    Gives Us forgiveness of sins.

    Gives us growth in divine life.

    Strengthens our bond of unity with God.

    Helps us to grow in the communion with the Church.


    The core of a life of sacrifice is to surrender oneself to God's will.Let the participation in the Holy Mass set us ready to offer our lives for others like Jesus who sacrificed himself for us.


    Let Us Pray


    Jesus you offered your life in atonement

    for our sins,give us your grace to live according to

    ypur will and to lead a life of sacrifice.


    A word of God to remember

    "Then I said, 'see, God, I have come to do

    your will, O God' (in the scroll of the book it

    is written of me)"(Heb 10:7).


    My decision

    Like Jesus who sacrificed His life for us on the cross,

    I too will do sacrifices for others.

    (At home,in school, in church,in community)

    At home , I will help in household work

    In school, I.................................

    In church, I.................................

    In community, I............................


    Let Us read the Word of God

    with devotion

    Heb 10:5-10


    Let Us do

    Write the decade of the rosary that is connected

    with the sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary.