Lesson 14
People Led By The Spirit
The apostles sent by Jesus went to different parts of the world and preached the kingdom of God.Thousands of people believed in the Gospel and thus formed the early Christian community.The Acts of the apostles in the Bible describes the life of the early Christian community.
The Holy Spirit showered the gifts and charisms to all who believed in Jesus.They lived in unity praying and praising God with one heart and mind.They were praised by all.Several such communities were formed in different places.In all such places,the presence of the Holy Spirit was quite evident.The Spirit empowered them with various charisms.All of them lived and proclaimed the Gospel courageously.
Those who received the Holy Spirit were filled with various gifts.Wisdom,understanding,counsel,Knowledge,fortitude,piety and fear of God are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.These gifts help us to grow in holiness,to walk the path of the Gospel and to proclaim the Gospel.
One of the important gifts of the Holy Spirit is wisdom.Understanding,counsel and knowledge go along with it.Most of the apostles Jesus chose were ordinary,ignorant people.They were not eloquent speakers.But when the Holy Spirit came,He gave them divine wisdom.They were able to discern good and evil.They began to teach others.They became the preachers and teachers of the Gospel of Jesus.
Another important gift of the Holy Spirit is fortitude.
Most of the disciples of Jesus were cowards.That is why when they saw that Jesus was captured,all of them ran away.But when the Holy Spirit came,they were strengthened and eceived the gift of fortitude.Thus they began to proclaim Jesus publicly.Similarly when the Holy Spirit comes upon us we too will be fortified and strengthened.
Two other gifts of the Holy Spirit are piety and fear of God.
They enable us to lead a life pleasing to God and avoid what is displeasing to Him.
Using these gifts let us grow as the beloved ones of God.
Let us pray
O Jesus,give me the grace to receive
the gifts of the Holy Spirit
and to grow in divine life.
Let us sing
To know Jesus,to follow Jesus and to share Jesus,
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are given us:
Wisdom,understanding,right judgment,courage,
Knowledge,reverence and wonder and awe.
Present in chart not in part
Present in hat not in bat
Present in use not in views.
Present in rays not in ways.
Present in chips not in tips.
Prsent in hall not in ball.
Learn by heart
The gifts of the Holy Spirit.
My decision
I will try to use the gifts and charisms god has given me to do good to others.