• Once Jesus was sitting near a well at Sychar in Samaria.Then a Samaritan women came there to draw water.Jesus asked her for a drink of water.The Samaritan woman was reluctant to give water to Jesus, a Jew.Then Jesus said:

    If you ask me for water,I shall give you the water of life.”everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again,but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty”(John 4:13-14).Jesus was speaking about the water of life-the divine life.He wanted to give this water of life to all men.It is with this purpose Jesus instituted the sacraments.

    Sacraments are the visible signs,instituted by Jesus Christ,

    Signifying and giving the invisible divine life.

    There are seven sacraments in the Church.

    In the sacrements Jesus acts through the Holy spirit and impacts the water Divine life.



    Seven sacraments




    3.Holy Qurbana.


    5.Anointing of the sick.

    6.Holy orders.



    Sacraments can be divided into 2 sets.

    1.sacraments which can be received only once in life.

    2. sacraments which can be received more than once.

    Baptism,anointing and Holy Orders are the sacraments which can be received only once.In these sacraments the unerasable seal of the Holy spirit is imprinted in the soul of the faithful.Hence they can be received only once.other sacraments can be received more than once.The sacraments of reconciliation and the Holy Qurbana are to be received frequently and they help us to grow in divine life.The sacraments of anointing of the sick and Marriage may be received more than once if necessary.

    Through each sacrament grace or divine life flows

    Unto us and helps us to grow in holiness.


    Let us pray


    O Jesus,who imparts

    divine life through sacraments,

    help me to grow in grace.


    Let us sing


    The sacraments seven are signs of grace

    Gifted to us by the Church our mother

    The strength and fullness of the Spirit is ours,

    If we receive them in a worthy manner.


    Say whether right or wrong


    Read the following sentence carefully.Mark  if correct, if wrong in the circle opposite to it.

    1.Jesus asked the Samaritan women for water.

    2.There are eight sacraments in the Church.

    3.Baptism is a sacrament that can be received only once.

    4.If you drink the water that Jesus gives,you will never be thirsty.

    5.sacraments give us Divine Life.


    My decision


    I will participate devotedly in all the sacraments and ceremonies in the church.