Lesson 6
God Who Leads To Salvation
Israel,God’s own people, lived in Egypt.A new ruler came in Egypt at that time.He hated the Israelites.He persecuted them and made them do very hard work.The king ordered to kill all male children of the Israelites.Thus the life of the Israelites in Egypt became very hard.
God appeared to Mouse,the Israelite,who was feeding his flock on mount Horeb,in a burning thorny bush and said:”The cry of the Israelites has now come to me; I have also seen how the Egyptians oppress them.so come,I will send you to pharaoh to bring my people,the Israelites,out of Egypt ”(Exodus 3:9-10).
Thus God chose Moses to liberate the Israelites from the slavery of Egypt.Moses was given a helper,Aaron,his brother.Moses met the Pharaoh and wanted him to set the Israelites free.But Pharaoh did not consent.They tried to keep them slaves and make them do more hard work.This made their life more miserable.But God had already decided to lead the Israelites to the land of Canan, a place where milk and honey flowed.
G/od performed great miracles through Moses.He punished Egyptians sendoining ten plagues.Pharaoh was compelled and decided to send them away because of this.Thus under the leadership of Moses,the Israelites came out of Egypt.Everybody including adults,children and the aged,started their voyage to Canan under the leadership of Moses
When the Israelites reached the shore of the Red Sea,the soldiers of Pharaoh came behind them to take them back.But God saved out his hand towards the sea.Suddenly and surprisingly the waters moved to both sides.
The Israelites walked through the place as if on a dry land. The sea stood like a wall on both sides.Moses saw the soldiers of Pharaoh coming after them and he stretched out his hand again the sea came back to its place.
The Egyptain soldiers were drowned.
Thus God saved His own people,the Israelites and protected them from all dangers.God led them to the land of Canon protecting them and working wonders.
We too are the chosen people of God.He protects and Providers for us too.It is God who keep us away from all danger in our journey to heaven.
Let us pray
O God! Who protected the Israelites,
Your own people,Keep us also
In your protection.
Let us sing
Israel’s children from Pharaoh did flee,
God help them to cross the Red sea;
He will hear our every plea,
For He is our God too,you see.
God will go before us sure,
As in life we journey through;
Till we reach the heavenly shore,
For His word stands ever true.
What is the name of the land that
God promised to the Israelites?
Refer the Bible and fill in:
Moses stretched.......................towards the..................
God sent a strong Eastern wind and withdrew..................
The sea was changed into ...............................(Exodus 14:21)
My decision
I will call upon God in all my problems and sufferings.
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