Lesson 3
Sin Breaks Relationships
When Adam and Eve sinned,They began to experience
Uneasiness and lack of peace.They began to blame others.
God asked Adam:”Have you
eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to
eat?” The man said,”The women whom you gave to be with me,she gave me
fruit from the tree,and I ate”(Genesis 3: 11-12).When God questioned Eve,she blamed the serpent.
Our first parents lost peace and joy as a result of sin
Because they disobeyed God and sinned.The influence of their sin affected their children.
Adam and Eve had two sons-Cans the elder and Abel the younger.
Cain was a farmer and Abel a shepherd.
Once they offered gifts to God.Cain offered
a part of his produce.Abel offered the best of his flock.
God accepted the offering of Abel and rejected the offering
Of Cain because his offering was not proper.
Then Cain was angry with Abel.God asked:
“Why are you angry,and why has your
Countenance fallen?
If you do well,will you not be
accepted”(Genesis 4:6-7).
Still Cain hated Abel.One day Cain said to his brother
Abel: Let us go to the field.While they were in the field,
Cain turned wild and murdered Abel.God Asked Cain:
Where is your brother Abel?
Cain replied:Am I the keeper of my brother?
Thus Cain sinned and rejected his brother.
“Then Cain went away from the Presence of the LORD,and settled in the land of Nod,East of Eden”(Genesis 4:16) Man who moves away from God begins to move away also
From his fellow beings and begins to hate himself.
Adam and Eve got other sons and daughters.
Through their descendants,increased the number of men on the earth.
They rejected God and sinned."And the LORD was sorry that he had made humankind on the earth,and it
Grieved him to his heart”(Genesis 6:6)
Do we sin and inflict pain on God? When we disobey our parents,elders and teachers and quarrel
With friends,we offend God
The greatest sin of man is to offend God.We must be
Careful not to do that because we are His children
And we should not offend Him.
Let us pray
Dear loving Father,
Help me to lead a
Life pleasing to you.
Let us sing
I shall never never sin
Never hurt my God
I shall ever live a life
That’s pleasing to the Lord.
Let us play
Do You know the play’God says’.Ask the teacher and play together.
(Eg.God says sit down; John says sit down,Satan says stand up etc.)
My decision
I will love my fellow beings
I will help them as far as I can
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