• God, the Father, loved Adam and Eve very much. He gave them the Garden of Eden full of blessings. They lived with God happily.
    God commanded them not to eat from the tree of good and evil situated in the middle of the garden.
    Do you want to know what happened after that? Look at the pictures.
    Satan felt jealous when he saw Adam and Eve living with God in the Garden of Eden. Satan is a liar and a cheater.
    He took the form of a snake and approached Eve. He tempted her to eat the fruit of that tree forbidden by God.

    Eve said, God has told them that, if they eat the fruit of that tree, they will die. But the serpent told Eve that
    if she eats it she will become like God. Eve eagerly looked at the fruit. They were very attractive. She felt greedy and felt like eating it. She plucked the fruit and ate. What a taste ! She gave one to Adam too. He also ate it.
    Thus Adam and Eve disregarded God.
    They disobeyed His command.
    They rejected God's love.
    They committed sin.
    As usual God came to Eden. But He did not see Adam and Eve there. They were afraid to stand
    before God since they disobeyed Him If you do something which your parents have forbidden to do, what do you feel?
    Don't you feel afraid? Adam and Eve felt afraid. They fled and hid themselves behind the tree.
    When we sin, we drift away
    from God.


    Let us sing


    Adam and Eve did fall from grace,
    For by their sin they broke God's command;
    Ashamed and afraid, they hid when He called,
    For God's holy presence they could not withstand.

    Give different colours and

    write repeatedly


    I will obey God


    Complete the following

    Whom shall I obey?

    I will obey God

    God ,  Priests , Parents , Satan , Teacher

    Let us pray

    Have mercy on me, O God, according to your
    steadfast love; according to your abundant
    mercy blot out my transgressions (Psalm 51:1).


    My decision

    I will not do things which my parents forbid.