Lesson 14
Jesus Who Died For Us
The number of people, who came to hear Jesus and get healed, went on increasing. They liked His teachings. Jesus performedmany miracles. Many believed in Jesus.The Jewish leaders and other leaders of the people got angry with Jesus. They were afraid that Jesus will be made king.They decided to kill Him.Judas, one of the disciples of Jesus, betrayed Jesus by showing Him to His enemies. They bound Him and brought Him to theauthorities. They accused Him falsely. They demanded that Jesus be crucified.It is Pontius Pilot, the Roman Governor of Judea, who gave the judgement to crucify Jesus . After being condemned to crucifixion,the soldiers tortured Him cruelly. They scourged Him. They spat on His face. They crowned Him with thorns.They teased Him, addressing Him as the 'King of the Jews'. They placed a very heavy cross on His shoulders andtook Him to Golgotha. Jesus suffered all those tortures silently.When they reached Golgotha the soldiers made him lie on the cross and nailed His hands and feet. They crucified also two thieves along with Him, one on the right, and the other on the left. On top of the cross, they wrote like this.'Jesus, the Nazarene, the King of the Jews.'Jesus was on the cross for three hours, suffering intensely. Even in those moments, He prayed for his torturers like this:“Father, forgive them". Jesus died on the cross. It was a Friday.It is the commemoration of the suffering and death of Jesus that we celebrate on Good Friday.Jesus died on the cross for our salvation. Let us love Jesus. Let us avoid sin and show our love for Jesus."Christ was obedient…..” is the prayer that we say in commemoration of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus in the Holy Week.
Prayer for the Holy Week
Christ was obedient unto death,yes, death on the cross.And he was raised by God to gloryand He was granted the nameabove all names.Let Us Pray
Deign to look upon us your family with compassion whomyour Son through His passion and death on His cross savedfrom the hands of the torturers, O God, who lives and reignsforever and ever. Amen.Let us sing
We adore You, O Christ,and we bless You,For by Your Holy CrossYou redeemed the world.Complete the prayer of Jesus on the cross
............……….forgive……….........….Fill up the following
Jesus loved all.
Like Jesus, I too will……………………………............................Jesus forgave all.Like Jesus, I too will…………………………….............................Jesus did good to all.Like Jesus, I too will……………………………............................Let us imitate
Just like Jesus who forgave thosewho crucified Him, let us also forgivethose who offend us.Find out Answers