Lesson 9
He Is My Beloved Son
He is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.
Jesus lived in Nazareth with Mary,His mother and Joseph His foster-father. When Jesus was thirty years old, prophet John the Baptist came up, preaching the message of conversion and giving the baptism of water for forgiveness of sins.
He wore a garment made of camel's hair with a leather belt round his waist and his food was locusts and wild honey.He gave the baptism of repentance at river Jordan.One day Jesus came from Nazareth to Jordan and received baptism from John the Baptist. When Jesus came outof water, the Holy Spirit came down upon Him from heaven in the form of a dove. Then came a voice from heaven:“ This is my son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased”(Matthew 3:17). Thus, God the Father revealed that Jesus is His beloved son.Let us sing
Jesus Christ, baptized by John,Son of God, my Saviour Lord;All my love to you I bring.Father God, how great your love,That makes me yours through baptismHighest praise to you I sing.Let us Pray
Jesus, the beloved Son of theHeavenly Father, help us toconfess you as our Lord and God.Holy Spirit descended uponJesus in the form of a dove.Colour the picture given below
Complete the Word of God.
He is my....................................................……In whom I am…..........................................…..(beloved son, well pleased)Do you know?
Ask your parents and write:My baptismal nameMy God-FatherMy God-MotherLet us imitate
Like Jesus, the Son of God, let us alsolive like sons and daughters of God.Find out Answers