Lesson 5
Two of the disciples of Jesus were going from Jerusalem to Emmaus in utterdespair at the departure of Jesus. On their way, Jesus joined them; and he conversed withthis sorrowful duo about the prophecies related to Jesus made by Moses down to manyother prophets. Their hearts glowed with the presence and words; they could not make himout. With hearts aglow they remained in the inn with him; and when Jesus took bread,blessed, broke, and gave it to them, their eyes were opened and they recognized him. Theyremembered how their hearts glowed, on their way when Jesus talked with them(Lk.24:13-35).Only when we break bread with hearts glowing with the Word, we are able to recognize GodThe liturgy of the word is arranged in the holy Qurbana with the experiencing of this truth. The introductory prayers as well as the liturgy of the word in thebeginning of the holy Qurbana enable us to recognize and experience Jesus in the sacrifice on the altar.
Through the introductory prayers, we recall the long wait for the Lord, our redeemerand celebrate his sacred birth and the private life. The introductory prayers start with thehymn Annappesahathirunalil down to the resurrection hymn Sarvadhipanam Karthaveand the followi
(On that day of paschal feast day)
The chanting of this hymn reminds us that wecelebrate the holy Qurbana according to Jesus'command on the day of the Paschal Banquet. After instituting the Holy Eucharist he said,“Do this in remembrance of me"Lk. 22: 19). Whenever we offerthis sacrifice of the holy Qurbana we obey thiscommand. The new covenant of love was also given onthat day. Love is the essential quality for offering theholy Qurbana. God never accepts a sacrifice offered with a venomous heart. Jesus said,“When you areoffering your gift at the altar, if you remember that yourbrother or sister has something against you, leave yourgift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister and then come to offer your gift"(Mt 5:23-24). So, while chanting this hymn, if youremember that you have enmity with anyone, go and reconcile with him and then participate in the Mass.
Find out the importantservices in the introductoryrite of the holy Qurbana and write down the meaning of
these services.Glory to God in the Highest
This song sung by the angels at the birth of Christ reminds us of his birth We must, here, praiseJesus who, out of his love renounced his heavenlymajesty and was born as a human being in a manger braving all the limitations.The birth of the promisedredeemer was to spread the Good News to mankind enslaved by sin. The word 'peace' in the second stanzaof the hymn means 'redemption'. Every Christian should grow into this perfect state of peace-salvation.
"Our Father who art in heaven..."
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only son.'Jn.3: 16)God incarnated to redeem us with the divine grace lost when our forefathers sinned. He gave us the right to call Him Father. So, recalling the birth of Jesus we address Him 'Father', and pray. Thisprayer taught us by Jesus enables us to praise Him extending our thoughts heavenward.The hymn of praise "holy, holy, holy" is sung along with the Lord's Prayer. This hymnisconstantly echoing in heaven and when we chant it, we are reminded that all those in heaven keep company with us; hence, we must say these prayers with great respect,piety, and love.Let us pray, Peace be with us
We are reminded of the presence of Jesus when the deacon makes this announcement. As St.Paul said, Jesus is our peace. (Eph. 2: 14).
The Prayers by the Celebrant
In the following prayers by the celebrant, he expresses thanks for this great gift of the Holy Eucharist, and implores blessings to offer it in a worthy manner.
The psalms help us to look back upon the historyand life of the people of the old covenant and to affirmthem as a part of the redemptive work.They were the heartbeats of the religious life of the Israelites Wepraise God sharing their sentiments. Jesus made use of the psalms for his prayer.
The Kissing of the Cross
This is a rite practised in Raza, the solemn form used by the Syro-Malabar Church.Jesus, through his sacrifice on the cross, won salvation for mankind. The kissing of the crossis to highlight our hope in Jesus affirming the importance of the cross in our Christian life.We believe that the cross will be the sign of Jesus' second coming (parousia). The prayersin connection with the kissing of the cross refer to the second coming of Jesus, and of theChurch, his bride.The Resurrection Hymn
The resurrection hymn that follows reminds usof the baptism of Christ. This is also considered as asong in praise of the resurrected Jesus. (The sanctuaryveil is removed now symbolizing the gates of heavenbeing open and the revelation of the Holy Trinity duringthe baptism of Jesus; Then the sanctuary, which is asymbol of heaven, is seen. At this juncture, the glow oflights and the incense fumes give the worshipping community a heavenly experience.)
During the chanting of this hymn, we recall the baptism of Jesus, his death andresurrection interpreted as his second baptism, our baptism through which we becomeparticipants of the salvific mysteries of Jesus, and the heavenly glory awaiting us With the following prayer of the celebrant, the introductory rites conclude.
We recall, here, the public life, of Jesus proclamation of the gospel and evangelization.
The Trisagion
The ministry of the word starts with the trisagion.In the first part, the deacon invites us to raise our voicesand glorify the living Father; and in the second part,addressing the holy, mighty, and immortal God, weimplore His mercy. This hymn gives us the very sameexperience of prophet Isaiah when he heard the angels praising God as 'holy, holy, holy'
Readings From the Sacred Scripture
There are four readings altogether: the first twofrom the Old Testament and the next two from the NewTestament. The contents of the Old Testament beingLaw and the Prophets, the first reading is from thePentateuch, also called 'the Law'; and the second fromthe Prophets. Sometimes, the second reading may befrom the Acts of the Apostles. The third and the fourthreadings will be from the Epistles and the Gospelsrespectively. Prior to each reading, the celebrant praysand the community sings. In response to the first tworeadings, the community says: “Praise be to the Lordour God'. After the readings of the epistle and thegospel, they reply, 'Praise be to Christ, our Lord '.The Procession with the Gospel book and the Reading
Prior to the reading of the gospel, holding thegospel book, the celebrant advances to the bema in aprocession The celebrant, taking the gospel book fromthe right side of the altar and coming to the bema,signifies the arrival of Jesus to the earth. We arereminded that Christ himself, not the priest, comes holding the gospel book aloft . It is taught in the Second Vatican Council that in the liturgy, Jesus himself givesthe Word to us. The people bend their heads andreceive the blessings when the celebrant blesses themwith the gospel book saying,' Peace be with you'. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to mypath”. (Ps. 119:105). Through every holy Qurbana,Jesus himself gives the word of God necessary for ourdaily life. The word of God grants life, power, and health.When we apply these words in our life, it illuminates our life.
The Homily
The homily is the interpretation of the word ofGod.There is a special spirit and power for the homilies given during the celebration of the holy Qurbana. TheChurch teaches us how we must apply the word of God in our day-to-day life and produce results One who pays attention to the homily carefully and puts it into practice will be like the wise man who has built his house on rock.
Karozutha / ( Karozuza) Prayer
Karozutha prayer is the response to the Word heard and an expression of ourfaith.The prayer is mainly for spiritual benefits than material blessings.We profess, here, our faith in the power and protection of God. The deacon winds up the karozutha prayer seeking the blessings to live according to the word of God and dedicating all to the hands of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Prayers of Blessing
Through these prayers of blessing, the community is blessed and made ready toattend anaphora, the most important part of the holy Qurbana. Earlier, those who did notreceive baptism were allowed only to attend up to the service of the Word. This prayer wasalso to bless them, before they left. When the celebrant recites this prayer, we must bowour heads and receive the blessing.The liturgy of the Word ends with this prayer of blessing. We are able to receive theword of God as the spiritual food, through the liturgy of the Word and get ready for theliturgy of the breaking of the Bread.
“We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seenwith our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands concerningthe word of life” (1Jn.1:1).(Jn. 1 : 1 - 18)Let us Pray
O Jesus, bless us to offer the holy Qurbanawith one spirit and one mind just as it was in theancient Church.My Resolution
I will carefully pay attention to the homiliy of the holy Qurbana.Teachings of the Fathers of the Church
Jesus turns off from the altar where a person of enmity renders sacrifice.(St. Cyprian).Find out Answers