Lesson 4
As promised by God,Abraham was given a son. Hewas named Isaac. One day, Godsaid to Abraham, “Take yourson, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the Land ofMoriah and offer him there as aburnt offering…” (Gen.22:2).Placing his trust in God,Abraham got ready to sacrificehis son. And God washighly pleased with Abraham'sreadiness to obey his command“…God so loved the world that he gave his only son, sothat everyone who believes in him may not perish butmay have eternal life” (Jn 3:16). Having understoodfully the wish of his Father, Jesus sacrificed himself onCalvary in order to set us free from the menaces of sinThe holy Qurbana is a sacramental celebration of themost solemn adoration rendered by Jesus through his own self-dedication..Hence, the holy Qurbana is the most solemn form of worship.
Holy Qurbana : The Sacrifice
and Banquet
The holy Qurbana is both a sacrifice and abanquet; the celebration of the Qurbana on the altar isa re-enactment of the sacrifice of love, offered by Jesusto our eternal Father, on Calvary.Jesus was both thecelebrant and the sacrificial offering in the sacrifice of Calvary He said: “…lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down ofmy own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again.” (Jn. 10: 17-18). As St. Paulsaid: “…Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, afragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Eph. 5:2).In the midst of the Last Supper with his disciples, Jesus instituted the sacrament of the holyQurbana, the very sacrifice of his own life What he did during the Last Supper was the sacramental form of the sacrifice, yet to be fulfilled on Calvary to his disciples and said, “Take, eat, this is my body.” Jesus did specifythat the bread was he himself. He was hinting that hewas the lamb to be sacrificed on the wooden cross on Calvary.The holy Qurbana is a heavenly banquetprepared for us by Jesus. We eat and drink, here, the body and blood of the resurrected Christ Those who participate in the Qurbana feed from the sacrificialoffering at the completion of the sacrifice. Those whoare invited for a wedding feast share the meal to show their complete participation.Similarly, those whoparticipate in the Qurbana ought to receive communion for the completion of eucharistic participation.ACTIVITY - 1
Discuss about the similaritiesand differences between thesacrifice of Jesus and thesacrifice of Abraham asmentioned in the passageGen. 22: 1-19.Based on thisdiscussion find out theunique particularities of thesacrifice of Jesus.Holy Qurbana: The Celebration of
the Messianic Event
During the Last Supper, giving the bread andwine as his body and blood Jesus told them, 'Do it inmemory of me.' The holy Qurbana is a sacrifice on thealtar being performed in memory of Jesus' passion,death and resurrection as commanded by him. In thispaschal mystery all the mysteries in the life of Jesus are commemorated through signs and symbols.Themysteries such as his birth, life, death, resurrection,ascension, the descent of the Holy Spirit, and hisglorious second coming are recalled and celebrated in the holy Qurbana.
Holy Qurbana: The Prayer of
the Church Community
The holy Qurbana is the official form of worshipof God by the community of the Church. The holyQurbana is the worship of God, the Father, rendered bythe Church, the body, in union with Jesus, the Head. Inthe holy Qurbana, all those in heaven and on earthunite and worship God.
The Church basically is a worshipping community All the activities of the Church focus on the zenith of worshipping God.The proclamation andobservance of her faith and salvific experience arebeing echoed in the holy Qurbana. Jesus is the cornerstoneof the Church built on the foundation of theapostles and the prophets; and in this temple, we conduct our worship of God.
Jesus who is Present in the Liturgy of the Church
The Church joins her groom, Jesus, and performs her liturgical services. TheChurch is his body (Eph. 1:23). The Holy Qurbana is the eternal and holy form of worship of God in honour of the Father offered by Jesus. As the document on the Sacred Liturgy teach es it is Jesus who sacrificed himself on the cross,through the ministry of the priest, performing the oblationin the holy Qurbana. He is present in the bread and wine,in a special way. He is present in all the sacraments withhis own power. Whenever the sacraments arecelebrated or the Holy Bible is read in churches, prayers are being recited, Jesus is invariably present there'.(Liturgy 7); and he is actually officiating them. Every ritein the liturgy is sacred and solemn as it is performed byJesus the priest, in union with the Church, his body (Liturgy 7).
Holy Qurbana: The Power-House of
Christian Life
From the liturgy, and especially from theEucharist, grace is poured forth upon us as from afountain. The power of the Church emanates from there itself. (Liturgy 10)The holy Qurbana is thepower-house of Christian life, because wecommemorate and celebrate the great, awesome,holy, life-giving and divine mystery of the passion,death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus who has taughtus the message of love in giving up himself for the sake of others.(4th G'hanta). When we participate in thesedivine mysteries, we are filled with divine grace; andgrow in the love of God and men. We get strength andinspiration to incorporate our sorrows in life with theagony endured by Jesus and make them redemptive.The mother of the destitutes, the blessed MotherTeresa, received strength to see Jesus in the poor, thesick, the infants and the old, left out on the streets andserve them, from the Holy Eucharist. Similarly, thesacrifice of Jesus on Calvary strengthened manysaintly souls like Fr. Damien and Maxmillian Kolbe tosacrifice their lives for the sake of others.The HolyEucharist supplies energy for a God-centred and mancentred life.
Holy Qurbana is Continued
in Our Life
The sacrifice on the altar should not end, butcontinue in our daily life.As Jesus on the altar hasbecome the bread of our life, broke himself and fed us,we must give ourselves to others and impart life to them no matter whatever is the sphere of our activity.Jesus after blessing and giving his body and blood tohis disciples, said: “Do this in remembrance of me” (Lk22:19). This commandment reminds us of thenecessity of breaking and sharing in our lives
.Mother Teresa, who came out to nurse andserve the old and the sick forsaken on the streets, sawJesus in them and continued the sacrificial life ofJesus. Even today we come across manyphilanthropists ready to share their wealth, health and time with others.
When we look after the helpless, sick and theold, or help classmates in their studies, comfort theafflicted, pray for the repentance of the sinners, obeyand assist our parents and execute our daily chores,we proceed with our life of sacrifice; we become bread for others.
The Holy Eucharist should become the powerhouseof our life. Let us continue our life of sacrificedrawing sustenance from Jesus, the bread of life byreceiving holy communion; thereby we will be worthy of the eternal banquet in heaven.
The Three Forms of the
Holy Qurbana
There are three forms for the holy Qurbana of
the Syro-Malabar Church:1. The most solemn form (raza).
2. The solemn form.
3. The simple form.
The different parts of the Holy Qurbana
Only when we comprehend fully the meaningof the prayers and rituals of every liturgicalaction, can we have an experientialparticipation in the holy Qurbana.
Let us Pray
O, Lord Jesus, bless and empower us to participatein the holy Qurbana actively and receive the holy communion,the Body and Blood of Jesus, worthily.My Resolution
I will receive the Body and Blood of Jesus worthily wheneverI participate in the holy Qurbana.Teachings of the Fathers of the Church
We, who see Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, cannot but see himin the sick and the forsaken around. (Saint Mother Teresa)Find out Answers